Saturday, August 30, 2003

Pictures Pictures Pictures

So everybody wants more pictures! I have no idea of what, but I thought this would be a start. Here are all the pictures my mom just recently took out of her wallet. These are pictures that are so old, I didn't even remember half of them. Anyway here for your viewing pleasure, a little selection I like to call... Carol's X Pictures

I'll start off with me!

Me When I Was A Baby, Of Course

Me, Don't Know The Age

Me...I'm guessing I was about 7

My sister Patty...She was probably about 15 here

Patty and my sister Cathey... Cathey was probably 18

Cathey when she was about 20

My sister Andrea when she was about 16

My sister Julie when she was 17

My nephew Andrew & my neices Jaida and Jazzmaine

To show just how outdated these pictures are: I'm almost 19 now. Patty is 27. Cathey is 29. Andrea is 31. Julie is 35.

We need new pictures!!!

Digging Into Doom

I was cleaning my room last night, and came across all of the lost secrets of the universe....ok, so not really...just half of them. I found stuffed animals I forgot I had, my extensive beanie baby collection, tons of sports equipment, art supplies, old notebooks with poems and journal entries in them. Wow, I need to clean more often. When I got to cleaning inside my closet and got a bunch of it cleared out, I remembered how I used to love to hang out in my closet. I know that's strange, but you know, when you're 14 and your parents are driving you nuts you like to be away from them. Well it was either that or I am part bat or something...never hung upside down though.

So anyway, came across drawings of numerous sorts...they're very weird, so take into account that they are just doodling.


Alien Top

Alien Bottom

Alien Being Beamed Up

I meant the Ship to look like a cake dish, although I don't know why.

I guess I was trying to be artsy..didn't work so well.

Ok, so...more later when I've had more coffee! (Took me forever to do this much)

Friday, August 29, 2003

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words...

Well, not this one...but I thought it was interesting!

That's actually not why I posted it is because I'm learning how to use this thing, and I want to know how to post pictures. But, I do like the picture.

Oh, in case you're wondering (which your probably not), that's my kitten, Sushi.

First Real Blog

I was 'shopping around' so to speak for a blog builder. I came across many, as it has become an extremely popular thing for people with too much time on their hands. I was looking at Moveable Type, which at least two people that I know use. It requires Perl, though...and to be honest I have no idea what that is. I'm sure is software, but I don't really care to delve any deeper into it than that. I just wanted something easy. Easy this is!!

Additionally, I would like to take the time to mention right now that it looks like it's going to storm. How happy am I? Not very. It goes from being hotter than hades, to raining constantly, back and forth. I can't wait until the new system when we have more stable weather. I heard on the news today that 13,000 people in France have died from the heat. Mostly that's due to the fact that they don't have as much air conditioning there, so people just swelter in the heat. It's scary to think that many people died, from heat that is. If it was an overall combination of violence, heat and old age death tolls, that's more understandable. But just heat? That seems bizzare, at least for a country as advanced as France. I just know, I am thankful for my air conditioning.

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