Wednesday, June 09, 2004

The Bonfire..Now With Working Pictures

Last weekend we had a bonfire at a friends house. Lots of people camped in their field, I just sat on the tailgate of my truck like a hillbilly. It was pretty fun, although there were a few times when I thought the boys were going to burn us up. They were a little fire happy and kept making the flames higher and higher. Anyway here are a few pictures I took while I was there...

This is my favorite picture, I don't really know why.

Here are Paul, Ericka (laughing hysterically) and Jesse sitting around the fire.

No I wasn't trying to be artsy with the marshmallows, I told Steph to hold them and she held them alright, right infront of the camera. This also kind of looks like a pagan ritual is going on..but I assure you, it was just a redneck gathering.

I thought this was kind of kool(until it fell on me), it's the ashes going up into the air.

Last but certainly not least, this was the tent setup...I got such a kick out of this picture I had to share it. Paul looks like he's mooning Ben...I promise he wasn't, it was just his shirt hanging out, but it sure looks like it.

Well, that's all for now folks. I hope everyone is having a great week!

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