Saturday, May 29, 2004

Moving Into the 21st Century

I finally broke down and bought a digital camera! Even though I've only had it a couple of hours, I really like it. I bought a Nikon Coolpix 2200. It's only 2.0 megapixel but I mostly just want it to do 4x6's and it's just fine for that. I really like the format and everything, I'm going to have a lot of fun with it. I'll try to be posting new pictures that I take on here some now.

Other than that, I finished working the week at the daycare. I have to work Tuesday but that's it for a while. I really liked that job, maybe some day she'll have an opening for me again.

I'm about to leave in a few minutes to go have a 'girls night out' with a few friends of mine. We're going to go eat and see "Raising Helen" so that should be pretty nice.

I hope all is well with everyone. Later :o)

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Insanity or Bust

Well the last week or so I've been busy studying for meetings, going to meetings and hanging out with people that I go to the meetings with :o) It's been pretty nice to be back with them and actually do fun stuff again.

I dyed my hair a really dark red called "Ruby Fusion", gotten a lot of compliments on it so far. I really like it a lot, it's a little bold but it looks kool with my eyes. I also got my second holes pierced in my ears. I guess I've been all about the busy and the change.

This week I have a job working at a home daycare in Nashville. It's just for the one week but it pays really well, so time to go shoppin!

Well as boring as that was, that is all for now. In the words of Usher - "Peace up, A-town down".

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