Friday, February 27, 2004

Ahhhhhh School Work

Some days I wonder if I will ever be done with school. That's what I get for not doing it until I was nearly 19 years old. Now I'm working my butt off to finish it, but at least I'm paying attention along the way. I even know how many beats per minute the average resting heart gets........72 for your information. Yeah so I've also been writing. I've found that I write my best stuff when I just blabber on about seemingly nothing. I find out after I read it what it's about. I know that's bizzare, I think in metaphors therefore I spew them like an oil tanker jackknifed on a freeway.

So I really have nothing to talk about. I'm eating chicken enchiladas, woo for me.

Ooooooooh I discovered I have yet another package of math coming. I have some choice words for that subject but really none a christian should repeat. One day I'll be done with it. I passed all of the rest of it, so I should be ok. Passing was 70 and the lowest grade I got was 85 so I'm doing alright. It's just aggravating because I'll not retain half of it.

Yes so this has been an unconventional rant of meaningless things. Deal with it! I'm hyper and semi-happy....

Thanks to Amber for the awesome photo yet again...everybody check out her site on my links. She does really kool stuff.

Take care and I will post a more normal post later on. Love ya.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

New Dealio

Ok, so Julie's post and my previous post have inspired me to inspire myself! "What is she smoking and what does that mean?!", you may ask. Well, that means that in the spirit of needing inspiration, I shall invite all to inspire each other. I don't want to rip off Jerms poetry or writings day, but in a way, I will. I proclaim Sunday....Inspire Me To Inspire You -Sunday...or something equally as cheesy. Simply post anything you're thinking about or any writings you have done on the comments attached to Sunday's blogs and I'll love you forever. Well maybe not, but the point is, I'll at least like you on Sundays! Yay for you! Ok, so here is my first posting....

Untitled -

My sun sets in your eyes
My moon beams in your smile
The waves of the sea roll upon your tongue
I am the desert and your arms are my rain
But if I should lose you
I will burn in my darkness
And my nights will lose all elegance
The universe will be thrown
And I will be cold
With only the memory of you
Of your soothing touch
And of how I loved you so much

Ok, so for the 1.5 people that read this, post your thoughts and/or writing! Lata' Alligatas

P.S. The above picture was done by a very talened friend of mine, Amber. Thanks for letting me use your stuff.

You can find a link to Amber's website on the sidebar to my page, check it out, it rocks!

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