Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Packing Up

How do you pack up your life? It's simple really. You put all your possessions in boxes and nearly cry as you look at each item and remember when you got it and who you were with when you got it. You then proceed to think about the fact that you wont be seeing them anymore, at least not often at all. I'm not even packing. I should be, but I'm waiting on my boneless buffalo wings to come out of the oven. When they are done I'm sure I'll think of something else to do, anything else, besides packing up my life to move away.

I keep thinking about things like this:

That was from Feb. 2003...Jenny, Mary Ellen, Kim and me. That was before we all decided we were grown up, got engaged, or nearly engaged, and some of us (ok 1) got married. I miss those days, sometimes. We didn't know how good we had it that we could get together and go to parties like that. Now Kim is in California, Jenny and Melon are still in college and I'm moving to Chattanooga. But May 8th we reunite, so woohoo. One last hurrah for the girls, so save a dance for me :o)

And this:

All those late nights Amy and I stayed up taking pictures and laughing uncontrollably...I really miss those. I'm going to miss Amy being right next door from me. I always run to her when I need to talk, but I don't think that will ever change. I'll probably blow up my phone bill before I get out of touch with her. We had a lot of memories in this neighborhood..her house, mine and her mom's. When I come back though we'll be getting together, no doubt.

And this:

Ah, Jewelz. Well I'll see Jewels when I come up until I die. She's my family, can't change that. I'm going to miss going to Chili's at 10:30pm and trips to Wal-Mart at 1. I'll miss our Seinfeld moments...throwing Corona Lights across the room...recording ourselves dancing in the most hideous ways. Ah, those were the days.

That's just a fraction of my life here. I know I've got to leave, but I wanted everybody to know I love them and I'm going to miss them. I'll visit and I will call. You'll never be totally rid of me :)

Sunday, March 28, 2004


I've been gone for two weeks to Chattanooga. Before that I was just too lazy to update. I'm moving to Chattanooga Friday to live with my sister. On the crappy side, I have to leave my cats with my other sister until I get my own apartment. I'm really sad about that because they are my babies!

Well for now I am tired and I need to eat, so I'll update this more later. I hope all of you are doing well, and if you know me I probably love ya. Goodnight.

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