Saturday, January 05, 2008

Time to Resurrect This Puppy...

Well boys and girls I am back in TN, have been for a few months. I wont list the heinous details of that on here...but yeah. So I am very glad to be home, back with all my friends. I stay pretty busy which is a good thing. Just turned 23 in November, that's strange. I used to say I felt like I was 19 still, but, I don't know what age I feel right now. Maybe 21 or 40 depending on the night.

I am still trying to get back in touch with old friends and slowly but surely I am making the rounds. If anyone happens to be bored enough to read this you are more than welcome to email me at so I can get back in touch since so many people have changed their contact info.

For now I am enjoying the cold weather, painful as it may be, and living life one day at a time. To all my buddies out there, love ya...and avoid ice patches...don't bust your butt like I did a few weeks ago :-P

The funny thing about getting older is that you never feel old until that old person moment hits. Like when you're out at dinner with a group and someone mentions how much they hate something, and then you slowly realize you haven't hated that in years. Like the hatred of being grounded. I barely remember it. As you look around, you realize that the cool crowd you've been hanging with are all at five to seven years younger than you. And that's when it hits you. You're old. Its cool though. You're the only one at the table drinking beer. And that's warm feeling isn't the alcohol, its a slight sense of superiority. =) That having been said, if you had my number at anytime, you probably still have it. Its the same since the 6 iteration. So if its starts with a 3 you've not got it. But if it starts with a 6 you've got it. Or you could just email me.
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